Last week I had 3 guys who have been friends for over 30 years fish for 2 days on the Cowlitz River for winter run Steelhead. My clients for this Cowlitz River winter Steelhead fishing trip were Walt from Nevada, Pat from Oregon and Oliver from Illinois.

Walt with Cowlitz River Steelhead

Pat with Cowlitz River Steelhead
My clients wanted to sleep in and still catch Steelhead, so on Wednesday, March 10th we again launched on the Cowlitz River at 9:00am. Walt was the first one to get a bite. He set the hook and the first Steelhead was in the boat. By this time, Oliver was really itching to catch a Steelhead, and thankfully he did not have to wait too much longer. We were drifting on the “port” side of the boat when the bite came. Oliver set the hook and was determined not to let this Steelhead get off. After I netted the 13-pound “buck” Steelhead we stopped for a shore lunch of Steelhead sandwiches made from yesterday’s dinner leftovers.

Oliver with 13 pound Cowlitz River Steelhead
While drifting on the starboard side Oliver was next to get a bite. After the hook was set the angry Steelhead jumped 3 feet in the air and proceeded to cut the line with his teeth. This lucky Steelhead survived to see another day and continue up river to spawn. We made another pass along the same water, and Pat landed his second fish of the day.
After two days of winter Steelhead fishing on the Cowlitz River were completed, we had boated ten clipped Steelhead from 7 to 14 pounds. I cleaned the fish for them and they returned home with fresh Steelhead for the dinner table.